Check on our distributors page Satron’s local representative in your country. If your country is not listed, please contact for more information.

C – for horizontal pipe installations with >3” diameter

P – for pipe diameters more than 2,75” (70mm). Should be machined to fit the pipe diameter before welding. Satron can provide the machining for extra cost.

F – flanged version. Different flanges available.

B – for vertical pipe and tank installations (15degree angled)

Satron valves design is probe specific. There are different options for different probes suppliers that requires some changing in some PASVE parts. If change of probe supplier is needed, Satron has an upgrade kit for the PASVE pH.

If there are no problems with the measurement, you should not update. We recommend updating a transmitter only if it is less than 5 years old, since a possibility to brick the sensor grows as the memory gets older.

There are error words that can indicate the failure, and this can be checked from the raw measurement data via SiLogAdvisor.

Minimum 10-15 good samples are needed depending on the application, or min.6 samples/pulp grade. Physical sample needs to be taken at the same time as the sampling in the transmitter, delay in the piping should also be considered. For a better and precise sample, please use our SAVE sampling valve.

Customer is usually following sensor values against laboratory every now and then and will notice if VCT/VCx is not measuring correctly.

If they don’t follow these measurements regularly, it is good to check the VCT/VCx values vs. laboratory once a year and then see if cleaning and/or a new calibration is needed. This check interval depends also on the application, but a good interval is commonly one year.

Depends on the application and the measurement. For a precise location, please fill in the VC questionnaire and send the form together with process photos to so our team can point out the best location installation.

VC Application Questionnaire

If there is a difference of turbidity between product A and B (concerns most dairy products like milk, cream, yoghurt, curd; turbid juices and beverages…), then turbidity meter is often the solution of choice. Satron’s VO range has sensors that can follow up accurately a small addition of water in a product or traces of a product in water, as well as monitor any switch between a turbid and less turbid product. Our sensors can quantify precisely the amount of product B in product A at any moment in real time. This allows the producers to switch always at the right moment and reduces significantly product losses. When there is significant mixing, turbidity supports recovery and valorization strategies. It minimizes recovered volume and optimizes recovery of valuable product/product or product/water mixes.

VOM sensors give a real time measurement, what COD samplers are not doing. If any turbid material is passing in front of a sensor, alarm can be triggered instantly and identification of the cause is much easier. Sensor will detect most common dairy products going to the drain, it will identify both exceptional events and regular daily COD peaks in effluent channels, allowing identification and correction.

To select the correct sensor, please fill in the VO questionnaire and send the form to so our team can advise you.

VO Application Questionnaire

First rinse control – use of VOM sensor to control the first push instead of timer or conductivity meter:

➔Recovery/valorisation of product. If the type of product removed, its turbidity calibration curve and flow are known, then the quantity taken by the rinse can be quite accurately calculated.

➔ Proper length: in average shorter so time/water savings (also energy if water is heated) – avoid pollution of chemicals with organic material where there is lots of product left so reduces chemical consumption.

Detection of pollution of washing chemicals by organic materials:

➔ If a cleaning agent (mainly caustic) is taking lots of material during a wash, this will be visible as the baseline turbidity level of circulated chemical will increase (it gets more loaded/dirty). This can have hygiene impact on all the objects washed by this washing centre.

➔ Quantification is more difficult as once the product is dissolving in caustic its properties will radically change – this is more of a qualitative indication (caustic gets suddenly dirty sometimes or not).